20 Books for Mother's Day
20 Books for Mother's Day
Mother's Day is approaching and it is probably the best day of the year (sorry dads). I think so many moms deserve to celebrate themselves and all the hard work they put in 365 days a year.
We curated a list of my favourite books! Moms could definitely curl up and cuddle with their special little one while reading these 20 top picks.
Little Fingers and Busy Feet
Mommies Are Amazing by Meredith Costain, Polona Lovsin (Illustrator)
Aren't mommies wonderful? That is why we celebrate them every year. This book complements another Costain book called Daddies Are Awesome. In this book, cute mommy cats and their kittens celebrate the vast majority of moms.
This rhyming book celebrates the bond between a mother and a child. The adorable illustrations make this book fun and enjoyable to read. Celebrate motherhood with a book dedicated to all mommies.
You're Just What I Need by Ruth Krauss, Julia Noonan (Illustrations)
This is a fun and playful book that will surely give some wonderful ideas on playing hide-and-seek. An adorable baby hides underneath a blanket and the mother tries to guess what the lumpy bundle could be.
...a pile of laundry?
...a bundle of carrots?
...a monkey?
...it's me!
And you're just what I need.
Young readers will be delighted to read a familiar guessing game between mother and child
These Words I Shaped for You by Megan Merchant (Author), Basak Agaoglu (Illustrator)
Nothing is more precious than a parent's love. This delightful book is about the amazing and everlasting love a mother has for her child. Read each page written in poetic verse and feel your heart swell with happiness. The poetic words of Merchant and the child-friendly illustrations by Agaoglu make this book a wonderful read just before bedtime.
These Words are Shaped for You
This is Our Baby, Born Today by Varsha Bajaj, Eliza Wheeler (Illustrator)
The first moment parents get to gaze at their new bundle of joy is an exhilarating and emotional experience. When those tiny fingers wrap around a finger it sends a lightning bolt of feelings right to the heart.
This is Our Baby, Born Today is a wonderful heartwarming story about a new baby elephant and all the creatures who come out to marvel at the sight.
Sweetest Kulu by Celina Kalluk, Alexandria Neonakis (Illustrator)
When a baby means everything, it might seem as though the whole world is infatuated with your new little one.
Kulu is an Inuktitut term of endearment often bestowed upon babies and young children. Little Kulu is an adorable baby whose mother tells him about all the animals in the artic and how they have come to bring him gifts.
The beautiful illustrations and traditional Inuit values laid out throughout this book makes it a perfect bedtime cuddle book.
Beginning to Grow and Know
You Be Mommy by Karla Clark (Author), Zoe Persico (Illustrator)
A #1 favourite by HoneyBooks customers, You Be Mommy is a heartwarming book about a mother who explains why she is too tired to be a mommy. She asks her daughter to switch roles with her and become more responsible.
Clark does an excellent job at mimicking the voice of many tired mommies. With the help of illustrator Zoe Persico, young readers will enjoy reading this bright and colourful book with a loved one.
When I Grow Up by by Julie Chen, Diane Goode (Illustrator)
It's bedtime, but before this little boy goes to sleep he wonders what he will be when he grows up. As his mom guides him through the usual bedtime routine he tells his mom of all the things he wants to do. He has big dreams and even bigger ideas.
Julie Chen is a mother, a television personality, and a producer. Children will be delighted to read this book just before bed and dream about their future.
Like the Moon Loves the Sky by Hena Khan, Saffa Khan (Illustrator)
From the author of Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns comes a book about a mother and her little one. Inspired by the Quran, Hena shares her wishes for her children. "Inshallah you find wonder in birds as they fly. Inshallah you are loved, like the moon loves the sky." This charming book is a perfect way to share muslim values and teaches religious acceptance.
Children will love to read the read-allowed bedtime story and learn the traditions of the muslim faith.
How to Wear a Sari by Darshana Khiani, Joanne Lew-Vriethoff (Illustrator)
Coming June 21, 2021
A little girl loves her family and loves her culture, but she needs to prove to them that she too can wear a sari. She is determined to show everyone that even though she is small, she can be fashionable and wear those beautiful silks and sparkles too.
Mothers and their children will be delighted to read about a little one who strives to prove that she can do great things. There may be some hiccups, but that is only the process to more greatness.
A Mother for Choco by Keiko Kasza
Sometimes family comes from somewhere else. Sometimes a mother needs to be found. Although some mommies might not look like their babies it doesn't mean their love for each other isn't strong.
A cute little chickadee is looking for his mommy, but what does she look like? Does she have feathers or fur; a beak or snot?
This beautiful book about adoption shows children that not all families need to look the same to be family. And the best love is love that is found.
Miss Tizzy by Libba Moore Gray, Jada Rowland (Illustrator)
As the author's debut book, Miss Tizzy is a wonderful story about an elderly lady that might seem a little peculiar to her neighbours, but a wonderful caregiver to the neighbourhood children.
Miss Tizzy is kind, generous, and caring. She is all about colour; colourful house, clothing, and personality. The children that surround her love her and love the attention she gives them. Miss Tizzy may not be their biological grandmother, but she sure acts like one. Together, they bake delicious cookies, make beautiful pictures for those who need to smile, play make-believe and even sing songs to the moon.
When Miss Tizzy becomes ill, the children come together to make her feel as special as she has made them feel.
This beautifully written book shows that when love is received it can also be given. This book is a wonderful book to read during summer days, while relaxing under a tree. Both mom and child will be touched on how Miss Tizzy exuberates kindness and love.
Is Than You Eleanor Sue? by Tricia Tusa
Who says dressing up is only for Halloween? At Eleanor Sue's house, Saturdays are dress-up days. On this particular Saturday, Eleanor Sue decides to trick her mom by dressing up as different characters. Each character she puts on a role and transforms into something else... an old man, a cat, or a witch. Even her grandmother!
It is so much fun to play dress up and moms will enjoy reading this wonderful humorous story about imagination. Children will enjoy the costume changes and perhaps find new ways to use their imagination.
Just Like a Mama by Alice Faye Duncan, Charnelle Pinkney Barlow (Illustrator)
Author of Honey Baby Sugar Child, Duncan shares a lovely story about foster care and adoption.
A young girl misses her mom and dad, but she knows that it is not the right time for them to be together. Instead, she gets to stay with the lovely Mama Rose. Mama Rose takes care of her just like a real mother and little Carol Olivia Clementine realizes that love can come in many forms.
This is another story about finding love in other places. This is a touching story about being a caregiver and children will learn that not all families need to be blood-related.
Cancer Hates Kisses by Jessica Reid Sliwerski, Mika Song (Illustrator)
Cancer is a horrible disease and when a loved one is diagnosed, it can be hard on the whole family. Cancer Hates Kisses is written by a cancer survivor. Jessica R. Sliwerski wrote this book because she knew how difficult it would be for a parent to explain the diagnoses to their children.
Children will enjoy reading about realistic circumstances and learn about what happens when mommy has cancer.
You Belong by Rachel Platten, Marcin Piwowarski (Illustrator)
Singer and songwriter Rachel Platten's book explore the emotions of expected parents. You Belong, is a story welcoming a new baby into the lives of adoring parents. Illustrations by Piwowarski adds a special touch and makes this book a cute book to read for both young and old.
My Mommy Medicine by Edwidge Danticat, Shannon Wright (Illustrator)
The way I take care of my little one is because I remember how my mother took care of me when I was young. A lot of cuddles, baths and all things cozy. This is another HoneyBooks favourite not just because of the story it tells but also because of the beautiful illustrations.
I'm in my 30s but I still feel as though I need some Mommy Medicine. You know that loving, nurturing, kiss the boo-boos goodbye medicine. Mommy Medicine by Edwidge Danticat, reveals just what to do when you need to feel better...get a mommy. Mommies have the best medicine there is.
Children and their mommies will enjoy reading this loving book together knowing that they have each other for comfort.
Growing Older
Being a teenager can be difficult, but a pregnant teen will face a whole new set of challenges. Written by the author of Jasmin's Notebook and Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel, Grimes has written a book from the perspective of a young girl name Mister.
Mister is a young Christian girl who takes her faith seriously. After one night of weakness with a boy named Trey, Mister finds herself pregnant. She experiences emotional trauma from losing her innocents and having to deal with her new reality. She eventually finds a poetry book written by her mother written in first person narrative. She finds solace in her mother's poetry and God's glory. Through this she finds forgiveness and peace.
Ivy by Katherine Coville
A healer and lover of animals Ivy's grandmother is loved by all the forest animals. The residents of Broomsweep are not happy with how untidy Grandmother's home is kept. Ivy must help her grandmother clean up her home, but the task becomes more difficult than expected when unexpected refugees descend on Grandmother's cottage. The thing is, these new refugees are mythical creatures; a dragon with a cold, a group of pixies, and an injured griffin.
Tweens and teens will love to read about the mystical adventure that Ivy and her grandmother experience at the Broomsweep cottage.
The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandani
When tragedy strikes we tend to find different ways to cope and find a way to keep our feet touching the ground. This is the case for 13-year-old Nisha who has lost her home due to the increasing violence between Hindus and Muslims. Based in 1947, author Hir writes a story about survival and becoming a refugee. The young Nisha must navigate a new life after she is forced to leave Pakistan in search for a new home. She had already lost her mom when she was a baby, now she must face the reality of losing her country too. How will she cope? Nisha finds comfort in writing letters to her mother.
Young teens will enjoy this heartfelt story of a young girl and how (although her mother isn't physically there) she still will find comfort in the motherly connection.
Go to Sleep (I Miss You): Cartoons from the Fog of New Parenthood by Lucy Knisley
Don't forget about mom. This is a graphic comedy dedicated to moms and their hectic schedule of taking care of their little one. Lucy documents a new mother with spontaneous comedic cartoons.
Moms will find this book a humorous read of realistic scenes from motherhood.